What would please you ? 2/14/ 18 What would please you ? A luxurious zuhar * ? Or A car of modern marvel? Or a scent imported from paradise? If any of this lures your heart,our Tigre I would take a vow that pairs us for eternity What stands to […]
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Tigrina poem dedicated to Tigre language by Musie Bekit
እንታይ የዕግበኪ ? ብሙሴ በኪት:: ( ኣነ ይሓትት ) እንታይ የዕግበኪ ክቡር ዙሃር* ወይስ ዘመን ኣምጽኦ ክብርቲ መኪና ? ወይስ ካብ ገነት ዝተጠልበ ሙዑዝ * * ጨና ? እዚ ኽሉ ንፍቅርኺ ዝምጥን እንተ ኾይኑ ብግልጺ ንገርኒ ይወረ ይኹን ዜና እዚ ኹሉ ንልብኺ ዝሰልብ እንተ ድኣ ኾይኑ ኣንቲ […]
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ገብረ ረቢ ራሓመቱ ላሃባካ ልእከት ሽማገሌ ክ.ው.ሃ. ረከብኮሃ እብ ሻፋግ ከፈትኮሃ ዎ ቃርኣኮሃ ። እኩይ ከበር ሳምዓኮ…ቃርኣኮ ገብረ ወድ እያሱ ክም ሞታ ኣመርኮ ። እናስ ዓድ- ዓይላይ፡ ወድ ቤልታ ርሒብ ላጋድሙ ወድ ድጌ ገለብ ላብዙሕ ኣዳሙ ምልጭ ዋዳ እንደይ ኢእሳምዕ ሕማሙ ። ማዓቢት ሕና፡ በልታ ዎ ገለብ ውህር ቱ በዓል […]
Continue readingCarbon monoxide danger by Aziza Awate
What Can We Do to Protect Our Family, Relatives, and Friends from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Have a Safe Home and Safe Environment During our January 7, 2018 KWHNA monthly teleconference, a member shared a serious event related to Carbon Monoxide poisoning that ended fatally. What a heart-breaking discovery. The discussion […]
Continue readingHeart Pacemaker: purpose, types, and responsibilities.
Heart Pacemaker: purpose, types, and responsibilities Article by Aziza Awate November 18, 2017 To you all, First of all, I am glad that I am back after being out of the country for more than 6 months. It is comforting to be reunited with my family. I hope each one […]
Continue readingHaighet Pioneers in Search of a Cure By Gherezgher Bekit October 15, 2017
Haighet Pioneers in Search of a Cure By Gherezgher Bekit October 15, 2017 Before the invention of writing systems, oral tradition was the only medium of communication. In the absence of written records, people used to chronicle past events and narrating stories by referencing special occurrences of notable events such […]
Continue readingPoem by Gerezgiher Bekit in response to Yassin Abrahim poem
ኣሰናይካ ዎያሲን ሑና ምን ገረዝጊሄር በኪት 09/05/2017 መርሓባ ወድ ኣብ ንስሪት እናስ ዓድ ቡላ ለበሓር እትሓናብጽ ከሬት ጀበላ ሞጅ ቅጹብቱ ራዲኢት ተስትህላ ሃይገት ሻቀለት ምን ገለብ ኣስክ መዓቡላ ምርወት ዎመራነት ልትከሎላ እኪት ዎሰኔት ምስል ልትሓዎላ። ረቢ ኣርኤና ኣዳም እት ላትሓሌ እኪት ትስራራካ ኣባይካ ልትገሌ ስቱታም ዓልና ለገበይ እግል ንዋሌ […]
Continue readingPoem by Mussie Bekit dedicated to Yassin Abrahim
ያሲን ኢብራሂም ላራብዕ ‘ ወድ ኖህ’ ምን ሙሴ በኪት ኖህ ናግፋ ምንላ ውሒዝ ምስል ሰለስ ውላዱ ታሪክ ኖሱ ደግም ክም ምራዱ። ማይ ኣይህ ረኤና ሸር ፈኑ ላያሲን መላጭ ቤላ ምኑ። ኣሰናይካ ወድ ሕሩጥ ሰይፉ ወድ ዓመኬሌ እንታ ወድ ብዙሕ ኣዳሙ እልፉ። ዋጅብና ወደና ለክትፈት ከኣፎ ሰክብ እንታ እት ተርህ ዎክ […]
Continue readingPoem by Yassin Abrahim after the rains and floods of Harvey
ሓምደ ዋላውል ፡ ወ ዘላይም ሃርቪ፡ ኢሊቱ ኢልትበሃል ዓቢ ወ ንኡሽ፡ ጽጉብ ወ ድቡር፡ ሕበር ለትማህልል ረቢ ፡ እኪት እግል ለኣቅልል ሓምደ፡ እግሉ–ሞላይ፡ ዛራ ሓቆ ስስ/6/ ምዕል። ሰብ ሃይጌት ወ ኣክጀልኮ፡ ላዋሓይዝ ምን ገለኒ ኣዳምየ ወ ኣክሰርኮ፡ ላ ማያት ምን ሸርበኒ እትመሃለል ዓልኮ፡ እግል ለኣንግፈኒ ላጻሎትኩም ብዙሕ ሰደተኒ። ክልኦት ውላድ […]
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